Soon Come, the debut novel by award-winning journalist Kuba Shand-Baptiste, is a love-letter to British-Jamaican culture. The three main characters yearn for a sense of home yet have wronged by society they joined.
Kuba’s writing examines motives with nuance and offers neglected perspectives. She draws on experiences growing up in North-West London as a British-Caribbean person.
Kuba’s writing has always been extremely engaging to me, yet I must admit that I was blown away by the richness of the characters and their world. The journey that the story prepares the reader for, drips with nostalgia and hope. A captivating work of art by one of Britain’s most imaginative minds.
- Kelechi Okafor, actor, director, author of Edge of Here
Kuba Shand-Baptiste has written a transporting and lyrical work that beautifully tells the often-erased stories of Black Britain's past and near-present. Heartfelt and deeply affecting, it's impossible not to fall for these nuanced, fully realised characters that will stick with you long after you've left the page. A triumph!
- Yomi Adegoke, author of Slay In Your Lane
In Soon Come Kuba Shand-Baptiste has delivered a deliciously well-written alluring yet important book that will add richly to Britain’s literary landscape. It’s a winner.
- Nelson Abbey
Kuba Shand-baptiste’s brand new book combine(s) my favourite things: art and carribean food, with beautiful nuanced detailed characters that I could have spent a lifetime with…when I finished I wanted more.
- Nathan Bryon; screenwriter of Rye Lane