
Simon Turney’s TERRA INCOGNITA reviewed in The Times

Terra Incognita by Simon Turney 

Rome, AD61. Two grizzled centurions from the Praetorian Guard are summoned to see the Emperor Nero. They are given a difficult, terrible mission – they must follow the Nile to its source, scouting for a future war against the Kush, who hold the lands south of Roman Egypt. Terra Incognita follows the Romans to the ends of the empire and beyond, having horrible encounters with crocodiles and hippos along the way. The story is based on scraps of history – Seneca and Pliny attest that Nero sent men to find the source of the Nile, but disagree on what happened. Simon Turney runs with these fragments, creating a wonderful story, rich in details. And crocodiles.

‘A wonderful story, rich in absorbing detail!’ 



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