Mike Carter.

Actor / Author

Mike Carter worked a screenwriter on the film ONE MAN’S WAR (1992), starring Anthony Hopkins, Sonia Braga and Reuben Blades.

For decades, he was an actor at the National Theatre, the West End, on Broadway, and at the Moscow Arts. He recently appeared in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, the prequel to GAME OF THRONES, and is currently filming an AppleTV series about Christian Dior.

He has also worked as a writer of training videos, and has been published in The Guardian and The Scotsman. His novel, THE UNAMERICANS, was published by Nth Position Press in 2013.

He is currently working on a literary crime detective novel about two men who become obsessed by a lost painting by Michelangelo da Caravaggio.

Mike has a parallel life as a psychotherapist.