Taking Sweets From Strangers – Mimi Redd

by Mimi Redd
  • Dramatic Rights: Available
  • Setting: Woman working as cabin staff for Emirates, Sex Slave Dungeon in Prague
  • Vibe: Extremely emotional, pacey, dark, horrific memoir from a sex worker who enters a contract to become a sex slave to an elderly rich man in Eastern Europe
  • Period: Contemporary

Men pay more if they’re allowed to hit you.

Our protagonist finds her first love while working as cabin staff for Emirates in Dubai, but when that relationship collapses like a bright star, so does her grip on reality. In mad sadness she starts selling her body, discovering men pay many times more if they are allowed to hit you during sex.

TAKING SWEETS FROM STRANGERS is ROOM (Lenny Abrahamson, 2015) meets FIFTY SHADES OF GREY (Sam Taylor-Johnson, 2015) as she signs a terrifying contract to become sex slave to an elderly rich sadist in Prague. In his dungeon, being whipped and electrocuted, she is annihilating herself. In a transformative moment, flipping the switch from total nihilism and horror, our protagonist realises she, in fact, wants to live, and get out of her slavery.

The story has a big twist in its finale, and confronts the reader with a spine chilling and cold sweat inducing reality. TAKING SWEETS FROM STRANGERS is a shocking and yet emotionally intimate and moving story about the tenacity of the human spirit, the darkness of our world and how to triumph over adversity.