Cherished: A Mother’s Fight To Prove Her Innocence

Memoir / Non-Fiction

Book cover

UK Publisher

Sphere, Little, Brown

Date Published

October 25th, 2007


Egmont Richter (Swedish)
Heyne (German)
Arena (Dutch)
TEA (Italian)

Angela Cannings was charged with murder directly after she and her husband Terry lost their third infant in ten years. She was convicted because of a medical theory that came to be known as ‘ Meadow’s Law’, which stated that ‘one sudden infant death is a tragedy, two is suspicious and three is murder until proved otherwise.’ Angela spent almost two years in prison and, at one point, found herself beside Rose West. A fellow inmate scarred her with hot coffee. Angela began to lose all hope, but a cellmate, Rose, helped her refocus on what was important – being reunited with her husband and their daughter Jade. In 2004 she was released unconditionally. Cherished is the remarkable story of a woman who has shown real endurance under extraordinary circumstances.