‘Lost on Gibbon Island’ by Jess Butterworth wins Shropshire Bookfest’s Big Book Award 2024

Congratulations to Jess Butterworth whose book ‘Lost on Gibbon Island’ wins the Shropshire Bookfest’s Big Book Award 2024.
Chris Tay, Shropshire Bookfest Chair of Trustees and former Head Teacher of Longden Primary School in Shropshire said, “In a climate where access to children’s books is under threat with the proposed closure of the Schools’ Library Service in Shropshire, the Shropshire Bookfest Book Award project – a long-established and highly regarded reading for pleasure initiative run by nationally recognised charity Shropshire Bookfest – is more vital to schools than ever.”
Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury was packed to the rafters with children, teachers and shortlisted authors on Tuesday morning, 30th April, in a celebration to mark the culmination of Shropshire Bookfest Big Book Award 2024. Nearly 1,300 pupils and their teachers joined in with the Awards Ceremony either in Theatre Severn or in their school halls via a live-stream.