Olaf Tyaransen.


Agent: Ivan Mulcahy

Olaf Tyaransen is a poet, author, filmmaker, and award-winning journalist. His poetry collection, The Consequences of Slaughtering Butterflies, was published in 1992, when he was just 21. He has since released an autobiography, The Story of O (2000), and three best-selling collections of journalism – Sex Lines (2002), Palace of Wisdom (2004), and Selected Recordings 2000-2010 (2010).

A senior editor with Ireland’s legendary Hot Press magazine for many years, his writing has been published in Rolling Stone, Penthouse, Mojo, and many other publications. U2 singer Bono has said of him, “It’s easy to forget you’re being interviewed when talking to Olaf, which is probably what makes him so good.  He’s a beguiling character… I always feel I should be interviewing him.”

Olaf’s memoir will be published by Eye Books in August 2025.

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