The Other Guinness Girl: A Question of Honor

Emily Hourican / Fiction

Book cover

Date Published

September 22nd, 2022

Honor Guinness is rich, aristocratic, shy and awkward — nothing like her glamorous cousins Aileen, Maureen and Oonagh.

But when she marries charming and ambitious American, Henry ‘Chips’ Channon, together they make the perfect couple at the heart of the most elite social circles — including a close friendship with the Prince of Wales and Mrs Wallis Simpson. But within the marriage, all is less than perfect.

Meanwhile, Honor’s best friend, the beautiful, enigmatic Doris, is set on establishing her place in London society. But, as tensions rise in 1930s Europe, Doris, born to a German-Jewish mother, hears troubling accounts from her cousins in Berlin. Will she be able to secure the right marriage to protect her family, and her future?

Set against the rise of Nazism, the abdication of a king, and the slide into World War II, The Other Guinness Girl is a sweeping novel of love, desire, friendship and self-discovery.


"A gloriously good read"

- Life Magazine

"The best of the family sagas... Masterfully and glamorously told... essential reading for history and gossip loves alike."

- The Sunday Business Post

"A mix of meticulous research and imagination... a fascinating read."

- The Sunday Business Post