The Third Perspective: Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance

Africa Brooke / Non-Fiction

Book cover

UK Publisher


US Publisher

Hachette USA

Date Published

May 16th, 2024


Taiwan (Crown Publishing)

Have you ever held back from sharing an idea or asking a question for fear of seeming to be on the “wrong side” of a contentious issue? How often do you have open, grounded discussions on a controversial topic with someone whose views differ from your own? Have you ever felt pressured to post about an issue on social media to show that your values are aligned with those of your community… even if you didn’t have a strong feeling about that particular subject?

If you answered sometimes, rarely, and often, you’re far from alone. At this moment in history, extreme polarization may feel inevitable. Whether it’s the presidential election, the war in Gaza, reproductive health, climate science, or a host of other pressing issues, so much is at stake. How can anyone who cares at all afford to give an inch?

Yet according to Africa Brooke, it’s because we care that we must find a way to meet each other across the divides – not just politically, but in our personal relationships. If not, we will become increasingly isolated and miserable in echo chambers of our own design. In THE THIRD PERSPECTIVE: Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance (Hachette Go, 9780306830426, 3/5/24, 272 pp, HC, $30), she shows us how, using the same tools she uses with her high-powered international coaching clients. Readers will learn:

  • What is The Third Perspective? It’s a tool for breaking free from the limitations of echo chambers and self-imposed restrictions, tapping into a part of the mind where spaciousness, tranquility, curiosity, openness, and understanding live. It’s about communicating across divides and it’s essential if we are to solve the problems we face as a society.
  • How does it work? There are three pillars: Awareness, Alignment, and Responsibility. Each section of the book includes grounding philosophy, real-world examples, and practical exercises to identify and refine your communication style and, just as important, your listening style. You’ll learn to avoid context collapse, collective sabotage (cancel culture), your own “inner mob” and other pitfalls.
  • Does finding a Third Perspective mean fence-sitting or being wishy-washy? Just the opposite. Responsibility is the bedrock of The Third Perspective: it pushes you beyond simple black-and-white views, into the rich, complex greys of life. It’s about standing firm in what you believe while navigating the nuanced realities of the world.
  • What if I am canceled? The push for accountability in our culture underscores a thirst for growth and learning. Sharpening your communication skills isn’t just about avoiding missteps—it’s a commitment to bettering yourself and the world around you. Ensuring that your communication is deeply aligned with your core beliefs, that you are presenting your message in the clearest way through verbal and nonverbal cues, and that your self-reputation is spotless will allow you to take full ownership of your words and their impact, without being overly attached to how they’re received.

The work is not easy, but it is liberating. And, Brooke argues, it is essential if we are to break free of the silos that keep us from finding common cause in these deeply challenging times.


"The author encourages readers to find their voices, and while noting that speaking one’s mind may not always result in a positive reaction, she shows how it frees the speaker from destructive cycles of self-censorship, self-sabotage, and social repression. Her bold book, though overstuffed with advice, effectively introduces the steps (and the risks) involved in achieving those goals.

Empowering self-improvement guidance geared toward active seekers."

- Kirkus

"Challenging, unapologetically honest, and immeasurably wise. Africa is the brave necessary modern antidote, for the unfortunate modern challenges our society faces."

- Steven Bartlett

"Africa Brooke is one of the sharpest thinkers on contemporary culture, a thought stimulator of the highest order, a true rising star and a voice that demands attention."

- Matt Haig

"Africa Brooke is a gifted thought leader who offers the medicine much needed in our culture today. With Africa's graceful guidance, we can all learn to own our voice, speaks our minds, and to become an authentic version of ourselves."

- Nicole LePera

"Few speak so bravely and with such beautiful clarity on this subject that affects us all. I devour Brooke's work and instantly feel the benefits."

- Dr. Julie Smith

"Africa's approach to common and complex issues is unique, enlightening, and refreshing. She has found a way to see many points of view and perspectives, and use them as a foundation of strength, character, and kindness."

- Mo Gawdat

Africa’s approach to common and complex issues is unique, enlightening, and refreshing. She has found a way to see many points of view and perspectives, and use them as a foundation of strength, character, and kindness. Giving yourself permission to fully own your personal truth is a trait I greatly admire in Africa, and the happiness she brings with her message is infectious.

- Kelly Slater
