Marius’ Mules V: Hades’ Gate

S.J.A. Turney / Fiction

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UK Publisher

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

54bc. As tensions build in Gaul and the druids manoeuvre the tribes towards general rebellion, Priscus and the diminishing senior staff of Caesar’s army prepare to return to Britannia, this time with a vast army and a will to crush the tribes of that mysterious island.Meanwhile in Rome and with his ties to the general severed, Fronto contemplates a non-military future as he settles into the life of a married nobleman, socialising with Rome’s elite and coming to terms with the decline in his fitness in recent months.In this year of rising troubles, Priscus will miss his former commander’s presence more than ever, while Fronto will learn more than he wishes to of the great Pompey. With rebellious Gauls, defiant Britons, vengeful giants, veteran gladiators and dangerous criminals, Fronto is pushed to the limits, driving him to a decision he dreads and a battle for his very life at the steaming, hellish land of Hades’ Gate.


A tale of intrigue and action, historical fiction at its best!

- Hoover Book Reviews

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